2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
// config
// 0° red
// 60° yellow
// 120° green
// 180° cyan
// 240° blue
// Isabelline
// https://html-color.codes/hex/f4f0ec
// hsl(30, 26.67%, 94.12%)
// base hue
$hue : 30 ;
$drop-caps : false ;
// layout
$mobile-breakpoint-max-width : 500 px ;
$tablet-breakpoint-max-width : 800 px ;
$desktop-breakpoint-min-width : 801 px ;
// color theming
$link-color : hsl ( $hue , 50 , 30 ) ;
$link-active-color : lighten ( $link-color , 10 % ) ;
$link-hover-color : lighten ( $link-color , 10 % ) ;
$link-visited-color : darken ( $link-color , 10 % ) ;
$selection-color : hsl ( $hue , 75 , 90 ) ;
$selection-background-color : hsl ( $hue , 100 , 30 ) ;
$body-color : black ;
$body-background-color : hsl ( $hue , 3 , 96 ) ; // hsl($hue,25,95);
// see the bottom of _layouts/base.html
// @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Bree+Serif');
$sans-serif : Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ;
2020-06-02 21:09:41 -04:00
$serif : " Noto Serif " , Times , serif ;
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
$header-serif : " Bree Serif " , $serif ;
2020-06-02 21:09:41 -04:00
$body-serif : " Noto Serif " , " Bree Serif " , $serif ;
2020-08-31 21:07:53 -04:00
$header-color : darken ( $body-background-color , 90 % ) ;
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
$header-link-color : darken ( $body-background-color , 70 % ) ;
2020-06-02 21:09:41 -04:00
$image-caption-serif : " Fira Sans Extra Condensed " , " Neucha " , $sans-serif ;
2020-05-31 16:27:57 -04:00
$image-caption-color : $body-color ;
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
$main-link-color : darken ( $body-background-color , 80 % ) ;
$main-heading-color : hsl ( $hue , 50 , 30 ) ;
$main-aside-color : hsl ( $hue , 70 , 30 ) ;
$main-blockquote-color : hsl ( $hue , 70 , 30 ) ;
$main-blockquote-before-color : hsl ( $hue , 50 , 80 ) ;
$main-index-color : hsl ( $hue , 20 , 50 ) ;
$main-dropcaps-color : hsl ( $hue , 90 , 50 ) ;
$main-dropcaps-font-size : 3 em ;
$main-table-header-bg-color : darken ( $body-background-color , 10 % ) ;
$footer-color : hsl ( $hue , 10 , 50 ) ;
$footer-link-color : lighten ( $footer-color , 10 % ) ;
$footer-serif : $serif ;
2020-05-31 16:27:57 -04:00
// use local fonts?
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
$local-google-fonts : true ; // TODO
2020-05-31 16:27:57 -04:00
// Bree Serif
// https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Bree%20Serif
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
/* latin-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Bree Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
2020-05-31 16:27:57 -04:00
src : local ( ' Bree Serif Regular ' ) , local ( ' BreeSerif-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Bree%20Serif/4UaHrEJCrhhnVA3DgluA96Tp57F2IwN-Pw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
unicode-range : U + 0100 - 024 F , U + 0259 , U + 1 E 00 - 1 EFF , U + 2020 , U + 20 A 0 - 20 AB , U + 20 AD - 20 CF , U + 2113 , U + 2 C 60 - 2 C 7 F , U + A720-A7FF ;
/* latin */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Bree Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
2020-05-31 16:27:57 -04:00
src : local ( ' Bree Serif Regular ' ) , local ( ' BreeSerif-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Bree%20Serif/4UaHrEJCrhhnVA3DgluA96rp57F2IwM.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0000 - 00 FF , U + 0131 , U + 0152 - 0153 , U + 02 BB - 02 BC , U + 02 C 6 , U + 02 DA , U + 02 DC , U + 2000 - 206 F , U + 2074 , U + 20 AC , U + 2122 , U + 2191 , U + 2193 , U + 2212 , U + 2215 , U + FEFF , U + FFFD ;
// Neucha
// https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Neucha
/* cyrillic */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Neucha ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Neucha ' ) , url( ../fonts/Neucha/q5uGsou0JOdh94bfuQltKRZUgbxR.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0400 - 045 F , U + 0490 - 0491 , U + 04 B 0 - 04 B 1 , U + 2116 ;
/* latin */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Neucha ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Neucha ' ) , url( ../fonts/Neucha/q5uGsou0JOdh94bfvQltKRZUgQ.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00
unicode-range : U + 0000 - 00 FF , U + 0131 , U + 0152 - 0153 , U + 02 BB - 02 BC , U + 02 C 6 , U + 02 DA , U + 02 DC , U + 2000 - 206 F , U + 2074 , U + 20 AC , U + 2122 , U + 2191 , U + 2193 , U + 2212 , U + 2215 , U + FEFF , U + FFFD ;
2020-06-02 21:09:41 -04:00
// Fira Sans Extra Condensed
// https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed
/* cyrillic-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1fKuulWcrE5Hcg.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0460 - 052 F , U + 1 C 80 - 1 C 88 , U + 20 B 4 , U + 2 DE 0 - 2 DFF , U + A640-A69F , U + FE2E-FE2F ;
/* cyrillic */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1fuuulWcrE5Hcg.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0400 - 045 F , U + 0490 - 0491 , U + 04 B 0 - 04 B 1 , U + 2116 ;
/* greek-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1fOuulWcrE5Hcg.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 1 F 00 - 1 FFF ;
/* greek */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1fyuulWcrE5Hcg.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0370 - 03 FF ;
/* vietnamese */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1fCuulWcrE5Hcg.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0102 - 0103 , U + 0110 - 0111 , U + 0128 - 0129 , U + 0168 - 0169 , U + 01 A 0 - 01 A 1 , U + 01 AF - 01 B 0 , U + 1 EA 0 - 1 EF 9 , U + 20 AB ;
/* latin-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1fGuulWcrE5Hcg.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0100 - 024 F , U + 0259 , U + 1 E 00 - 1 EFF , U + 2020 , U + 20 A 0 - 20 AB , U + 20 AD - 20 CF , U + 2113 , U + 2 C 60 - 2 C 7 F , U + A720-A7FF ;
/* latin */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Fira Sans Extra Condensed Regular ' ) , local ( ' FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular ' ) , url( ../fonts/Fira%20Sans%20Extra%20Condensed/NaPKcYDaAO5dirw6IaFn7lPJFqXmS-M9Atn3wgda1f-uulWcrE4.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0000 - 00 FF , U + 0131 , U + 0152 - 0153 , U + 02 BB - 02 BC , U + 02 C 6 , U + 02 DA , U + 02 DC , U + 2000 - 206 F , U + 2074 , U + 20 AC , U + 2122 , U + 2191 , U + 2193 , U + 2212 , U + 2215 , U + FEFF , U + FFFD ;
// Noto Serif
// https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto%20Serif
/* cyrillic-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFoWaDq8fMVxMw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0460 - 052 F , U + 1 C 80 - 1 C 88 , U + 20 B 4 , U + 2 DE 0 - 2 DFF , U + A640-A69F , U + FE2E-FE2F ;
/* cyrillic */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFMWaDq8fMVxMw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0400 - 045 F , U + 0490 - 0491 , U + 04 B 0 - 04 B 1 , U + 2116 ;
/* greek-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFsWaDq8fMVxMw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 1 F 00 - 1 FFF ;
/* greek */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFQWaDq8fMVxMw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0370 - 03 FF ;
/* vietnamese */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFgWaDq8fMVxMw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0102 - 0103 , U + 0110 - 0111 , U + 0128 - 0129 , U + 0168 - 0169 , U + 01 A 0 - 01 A 1 , U + 01 AF - 01 B 0 , U + 1 EA 0 - 1 EF 9 , U + 20 AB ;
/* latin-ext */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFkWaDq8fMVxMw.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0100 - 024 F , U + 0259 , U + 1 E 00 - 1 EFF , U + 2020 , U + 20 A 0 - 20 AB , U + 20 AD - 20 CF , U + 2113 , U + 2 C 60 - 2 C 7 F , U + A720-A7FF ;
/* latin */
@font-face {
font-family : ' Noto Serif ' ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 400 ;
src : local ( ' Noto Serif ' ) , local ( ' NotoSerif ' ) , url( ../fonts/Noto%20Serif/ga6Iaw1J5X9T9RW6j9bNfFcWaDq8fMU.woff2 ) format ( ' woff2 ' ) ;
unicode-range : U + 0000 - 00 FF , U + 0131 , U + 0152 - 0153 , U + 02 BB - 02 BC , U + 02 C 6 , U + 02 DA , U + 02 DC , U + 2000 - 206 F , U + 2074 , U + 20 AC , U + 2122 , U + 2191 , U + 2193 , U + 2212 , U + 2215 , U + FEFF , U + FFFD ;
2019-07-21 22:16:23 -04:00