# title of this site title: SAMPLE BLOG # subtitle # TODO: subtitle: Sample Subtitle # site description description: Sample description # used on the home page's title tag tagline: Sample tagline baseurl: "" url: "https://rzen.dev" # used in footer copyright_owner: full_name: Your Name short_name: your_short_name email: youremail@example.com # default author's name author: short_name: your_short_name full_name: Your Full Name email: youremail at example dot com collections: blog: permalink: /:collection/:title/ output: true links: permalink: /link/:title/ output: true posts: permalink: /post/:title/ output: true pages: permalink: /:title/ output: true private: permalink: /:collection/:title/ output: true defaults: - scope: type: blog values: layout: post plugins: - rouge # - jekyll-tidy - jekyll/tagging - jekyll-mentions - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag # https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag # tag_page_layout: tag_page # tag_page_dir: tag # tag_page: /tags/ # category_page: /categories/ # tag_permalink_style: pretty tag_page_layout: tags tag_page_dir: tags kramdown: auto_ids: false syntax_highlighter_opts: block: default_lang: javascript line_numbers: true span: line_numbers: false jekyll_tidy: compress_html: true sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed include: ["_pages"] # dont move the following to _site/ exclude: ["docker-compose.yaml", "docker", "Gemfile.lock", "Gemfile"] tz: America/New York # used for edit link in the footer edit_url: https://github.com/path_to_repo/_edit/master/ # google_analytics_token: 'UA-00000000-1' # leave blank if you don't want google analytics # disqus_short_name: 'your_short_name' # leave blank if you don't want disqus