# title of this site # TODO: title: _config.yaml title goes here # subtitle # TODO: subtitle: _config.yaml subtitle goes here # label for the home menu nav: home: Home hide_home: true index: # if omitted a default title will be generated # which reads "X blogs since YYYY" title: "Jekyll Theme: «Isabeline»" # if configured this subtitle will render between intro and # page index subtitle: Blog # this html copy will be placed at the top of the index page intro: >-


Isabeline is a clean mobile-friendly jekyll theme for long form content.

Here's a partial list of features: Timeline, tag cloud, customizable global menu, QED, color theming, image include, code snippets.

# this html copy will be placed at the bottom of the index page outro: >-

For more information

Full souce code for the theme is available.

# # home page # home: /about/ # site description # TODO: description: _config.yaml description goes here # used on the home page's title tag # TODO: tagline: _config.yaml tagline goes here # if specified url to this website will be computed as # https://blog.example.com/valueofbaseurl/ # NOTE: leading forward slash is mandatory baseurl: "/baseurl" url: "https://blog.example.com" # used in footer # TODO copyright_owner: full_name: _config.yaml copyright_owner.full_name short_name: _config.yaml copyright_owner.short_name email: _config.yaml copyright_owner.email # default author's name # used in posts, pages and blogs # TODO author: full_name: _config.yaml author.full_name short_name: _config.yaml author.short_name email: _config.yaml author.email # used in footer of every post, page and blog # TODO: optional license: name: MIT # if url isnt provided, a link to a local page will be used url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # link for a local legalese page local_url: /legal/ # timezone tz: America/New York # jekyll_theme_isabelline: name: Jekyll theme «Isabelline» url: https://github.com/rzen/jekyll-theme-isabelline # used for edit link in the footer # leave blank to disable edit link # TODO: optional # edit_url: https://github.com/path_to_repo/_edit/master/ # google analytics # TODO: # google_analytics_token: 'UA-00000000-1' # leave blank if you don't want google analytics # # disqus_short_name: 'your_short_name' # leave blank if you don't want disqus # advanced collections: blog: permalink: /:collection/:title/ output: true links: permalink: /link/:title/ output: true posts: # permalink: /post/:title/ output: true pages: permalink: /:title/ output: true private: permalink: /:collection/:title/ output: true theme: jekyll-theme-isabelline defaults: - scope: type: blog values: layout: post plugins: - rouge - jekyll-tidy - jekyll/tagging - jekyll-mentions - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag # https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag # tag_page_layout: tag_page # tag_page_dir: tag # tag_page: /tags/ # category_page: /categories/ # tag_permalink_style: pretty tag_page_layout: tags tag_page_dir: tags # a superset flavor of Markdown # https://kramdown.gettalong.org kramdown: auto_ids: true syntax_highlighter_opts: block: default_lang: javascript line_numbers: true span: line_numbers: false # generated html will be "compressed" by removing # semantically superfluous whitespace jekyll_tidy: compress_html: true # NOTE: must be true for syntax highlighting to work # this known problem will be addressed in a future update # sass sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed # include: ["_pages", "_blog", ] # dont move the following to _site/ exclude: ["docker-compose.yaml", "Gemfile.lock", "Gemfile", "*.gem"]